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Response Art

Visiting medical students from Ajou University from Korea viewed an exhibit of the artwork on "Pain and Suffering".  After looking at all of the pieces, they were asked to choose one that was meaningful to them and to create art based on the feelings and thoughts they had in response to the selected artwork.  This process prompted reflection and allowed the students to engage in an imaginative dialogue with the artist.  In the following pages, the response art is shown with the corresponding exhibit piece.


As you look at these images, pay attention to what the response art and exhibit art have in common.  In what ways do the response art images offer new understandings of the exhibit art?  In what ways do the response art images amplify the ideas from the exhibit art?


After viewing the responses, go back and review the exhibit pieces.  Select one that is meaningful to you.  Create an image to share the feelings and thoughts that you are having.



參考曼陀羅(梵文為「圓」 )創作的藝術是一種方法來幫助人們集中注意力,並反映他們目前的狀態。雖然曼陀羅發源用於宗教用途,心理學家榮格和藝術治療師Joan Kellogg發現他們可以被用來反映一個人的內心。這一目的創作的曼荼羅,都自發地創作,而不是用規定的圖案。



當你閱讀以下的曼陀羅和反思時,花點時間找出畫者的中央思想、感受或顧慮 。請問這主題能關聯到哪些與患者見面時要注意的特質或技巧?


​​Art created in reference to a mandala (Sanskrit for "circle") is used as a way to help people focus their attention and reflect on their current state of being. Although mandalas are traditionally found in religious settings, psychiatrist Dr. Carl Jung and art therapist Joan Kellogg found that they could be used to reflect on one's inner self. Instead of prescribed patterns, mandalas for this purpose are created spontaneously.


To create a mandala, begin with a paper that contains a pre-drawn circle. Focus your attention on your physical, emotional and psychological condition by asking yourself, "How am I right now?" Select colors, symbols and shapes to create an image using the circle as a reference. Let yourself be guided by intuition. Finally, write a title, description and reflection in which to discover new ideas about yourself, as well as, your relationships, work and community.

As you look at the mandalas and read the reflections on the following pages, take a moment to identify an idea that describes the central feeling, thought or concern of the artist. How does this theme relate to a characteristic or skill that can be used when meeting with patients?






Pain and Suffering

Thinking of a patient or ill person who has made an impact on them, students wrote words to describe the situation and then re-arranged them to create a poem.  Next they created drawings or paintings based on the poem.  Finally, they wrote reflections their creative work as a way to understand illness from the patient's perspective.  As a result, they came to understand more about their own values, their role as doctors and the need for patient-centered care.


As you look at the images on the following page, take a moment to reflect on a time when you witnessed a patient who was in pain or suffering.  How do the student’s reflections offer a new perspective or insight in which to better understand your own patient encounter?



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