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Response Art

Visiting medical students from Ajou University from Korea viewed an exhibit of the artwork on "Pain and Suffering".  After looking at all of the pieces, they were asked to choose one that was meaningful to them and to create art based on the feelings and thoughts they had in response to the selected artwork.  This process prompted reflection and allowed the students to engage in an imaginative dialogue with the artist.  In the following pages, the response art is shown with the corresponding exhibit piece.


As you look at these images, pay attention to what the response art and exhibit art have in common.  In what ways do the response art images offer new understandings of the exhibit art?  In what ways do the response art images amplify the ideas from the exhibit art?


After viewing the responses, go back and review the exhibit pieces.  Select one that is meaningful to you.  Create an image to share the feelings and thoughts that you are having.


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